Seniors for Pets Helps New Clients

August 15, 2013

Today was the first of two visits to assist a family that recently fell on difficult times due to the economy.  These people are used to taking very good care of their pets and didn’t expect to be in a situation where they needed help.  However, this is why Seniors for Pets exists.  Sometimes, circumstances just require that extra little bit of assistance.

Our clients have quite a menagerie and today, Dr. Cynthia Juday examined some of them.

Dr. Juday examines Kiki's ears. DR.Juday and Kato

Dr. Juday examined Kiki’s ears, and the little cat was not amused.  But Kato thought all the attention was A-ok!

Kiki's Exam

       Iris, the cat, with Dr. Juday

Both Kiki and Iris received examinations today and decided it wasn’t so bad, after all.  Next week, Iris, Kiki and Kato – along with Harper and Noah – will be updated on all their necessary vaccinations.  Bulldog, China, will get the results of her skin scraping today.

All of these animals will be taken care of by Seniors for Pets, and this is done with donations from supporters.  If you would like to help our mission, you can donate on this website.  All donations go directly to the mission.  Not one penny is used for other purposes.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

joyce dougherty May 4, 2014 at 10:36 am

How to get veterinary help for cat of low income senior

CarolN May 4, 2014 at 8:57 pm

Joyce, it depends on where the senior lives. Email me at with that information and I can better answer your question.

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