Medical professionals have proven that owning a pet improves the quality of an senior citizen’s life. Statistics show that blood pressure, cholesterol and even heart health benefit from pet ownership.
Our goal is two-fold: We want to help SW Florida senior citizens in need to retain their pets by providing the basic veterinary care that every pet should have, and we believe that providing this help will keep more pets with their loving owners and out of shelters.
While our mission is focused on SW Florida seniors and their pets, our website should be of interest to pet lovers of any age and location. You’ll find stories about many pet-related subjects, from current news to pet health to fiction, as well as articles about our organization’s activities and programs and even special pets that need loving homes.
To accomplish our goals, we need donations of money, volunteers of all kinds, and donations of services and office supplies. If you would like to contribute in any of those avenues, please send us a note through the CONTACT button, and we’ll get in touch.
We also invite you to visit our sister site, www.feedingfidoandfluffy.com for the scoop on dog and cat food and how it affects the well-being and health of pets.