Some of Charmaine’s earliest memories are of rescuing animals. “Rescuing animals was a way of life in my family and naturally passed on to me,” she said.
Charmaine continues her efforts today as a member of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Animal Welfare Advisory Council. She spent much of her life as a photo-journalist and was a weekly columnist for the Sarasota newspaper for 10 years and also spent 10 years as a monthly contributing editor to “Sarasota Magazine.”
She spent years trying to persuade mainstream media editors to run stories on animal abuse, so that the public would receive enough information to realize how serious the problem is, without telling so much they couldn’t stand to read it. “It’s a delicate balance, but the information needs to be out there,” she added.
Charmaine shares her home with several animals, all of whom were rescues and continues to work for various animal causes. Her fur-kids enjoyed their gift basket from Seniors for Pets.

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